The Law of Attraction In A Nutshell – Spirit Bear Coaching

The Law of Attraction In A Nutshell

Purposeful Manifestation Through Focusing’

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Everything Is Energy Including Your Thoughts – What You Focus On, You Attract.

When the book and subsequent movie of The Secret came out, people everywhere were buzzing about its revelation: the Law of Attraction. Revealed as the key to the prolific success of some of history’s greatest minds, like Michelangelo and Thomas Jefferson, the Law of Attraction is a powerful insight into the workings of nature that can be consciously, intentional used as a tool for manifestation. A tool whose ideas underlie many, if not most, other manifestation processes.

As big a “secret” as it may be (or rather, may once have been) it is actually quite a simple concept to understand. It is divided into three steps for manifesting, or “attracting”, anything you want into your life. Those three steps are as follows:

1.      Ask
2.      Accept
3.      Allow

Now let’s break these steps down for you, one at a time.

1. Ask

To have what you want, you first must know what you want. Asking is a process of letting the universe know what you want. And maybe even more importantly, letting it know that you know what you want.

Why is this important? Because in doing so, you’re generating a very clear and decisive energy. The source likes that. The clearer and more definitive, the better. Because it is that clarity of vision of knowing what you want, coupled with the singularity of desire that comes from asking for it that targets the “object” of your desire with laser-point accuracy.

2. Accept

Most people have some experience with step 1. Whether in prayer or goal-setting, most of you reading this have already at one time or another asked for what you want. Many of us also know (some, all to well) the experience of asking for what we want and not getting it. That is because asking for it is only the 1st step of the process, and many people either stop here or worse, take actions completely counterproductive to the law of attraction. We ask for what we want, then we promptly, clumsily get in our own way and thwart it’s manifestation.

What actions? Those they display doubt and uncertainty about getting those goals met. Like whining and fretting and complaining about “not having” it yet. Like worrying about your future should you not get it, or worse taking actions that imagine it not happening instead of taking actions that imagine success.

That’s where steps 2 and 3 come into the picture.

Step 2, or Accept, could also be called Receive, because it’s about trusting that your request was heard, and more, that it’s been granted. It’s the meaning of “Ask and ye shall Receive”: that in the asking, you instantaneously set in motion a cycle of energetic events that has the object of your desire already on its way to you.

So what do you do? You sit back and relax, content in the knowledge that your request has been heard and granted and you can move onto other things. If you don’t, and you constantly obsess over this thing you want to manifest, then you’re showing the universe that you don’t really believe it’s coming. You push it away with your distrust of the process instead of accepting that it’s on its way.

3. Allow

The other way we push the manifestation of our desires away is with a sense of undeserving-ness. We don’t act like we get what we want in life, so our life produces evidence of that. But if we act like we get what we want in life, our life produces evidence of that. We must Allow the fulfillment of our wishes to come into our life by creating the energy that supports their existence.

And the way that we do that is by feeling inside what it’s like (not what it would be like, but what it is like) to have the fulfillment of your desires here and now. If step 2 is about Knowing, step 3 is about Feeling. You must exude the energy of someone who’s living as if their next fulfilment is on its way, like a houseguest. You need do nothing but prepare your home for their arrival.

Live life purposefully manifesting, through focusing!

’til we meet again,

Walk in Peace;
Walk in Beauty.



Causing the Miraculous by Spreading Beauty, Truth & Harmony

Johnathan Brooks, MAC, PG Dip is a Cognitive Behavioural Coach who has trained in a wide range of personal development treatment methods including the “Power Therapies” (CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (postgrad), EFT Emotional Freedom Technique, Master NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming) and has a Post Graduate Diploma in ‘Coaching and NLP’ which he passed with a ‘Commendation’.

He is a full member of the Association for Coaching (MAC) and is a Gold member of The Professional Guild of NLP.


 JC Piech says:


Hi there Johnathan. The thing about this which makes it hard for me to believe, is when you ‘ask the universe’ for something, who/what are you really asking? It seems to work on the basis that the ‘universe’ is ‘out there’ and able to create, able to ‘give you’ what you asked for, as long as you are able to receive it. I don’t see the universe as being a separate thing.
What are your thoughts on this?

Johnathan says:


Hello JC, The universe isn’t separate. We are One with Everything – Manifestation is a Reflection. Therefore, you have it already it’s there for the taking!

What started the world? A: All that Is, the Source. Where does thought come from? Is your Source different to mine? A: No.
All is manifestation from the Source, the stone, the tree, that is in everything.

If I want to stop smoking, I don’t say I want to stop smoking as the ‘want’ focuses on the lacking. But I could put it in the positive and say, “My lungs are getting clearer and clearer each day.”

It also depends on what we mean by I ‘want’. If a person says “I want a house’. They could say “I need shelter” and then imagine the warmth and say thank you, before getting it. And it’s the same with wanting to be rich. Money is just energy, what would you spend it on, a bigger home for all the family? Or, is it personal desires for a castle?

Why do you want it? If I want a big diamond rock on my finger, will that help me to evolve?

We may or may not get what we want, but we’ll always get what we need. Ask and you shall receive provided that you trust!

If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

If evolution is an expansion of consciousness, then One’s desires are reflected from the level we have achieved until all desires are satisfied in Oneness.



Edward says:

Thank you for reminding us of this. A clear and well written synopsis indeed!